Thursday, December 2, 2010

133.5 lbs.

Ran on treadmill for 20:00 minutes and went 1.65 miles.
I almost didn't run again today!  I was supposed to take Landon to school at 8:30 and then meet a friend for coffee at 10:30 and I didn't think I had enough time to work out and then shower before taking him to school and  I wouldn't have enough time between dropping him off and the time I would have to leave to meet Elisha since I would only have an hour between.   But I had read a post by Natalie Norton and I decided that I had time to fit in my run before taking him to school and then time to shower once I got home.  Then I hurt my leg so I ended up cancelling the coffee date.  Oh well, we'll meet up next week maybe.

Hurt my leg today while running.   I was already in need of an adjustment; my right hip was sore yesterday.   But then at minute 14:00 my left shoe came untied and I had to pause and tie it but I didn't double-knot it and it came undone again at minute 16:00 and I was in the middle of I've Gotta Feeling by B.E.P. and just decided to push through.   But I was overcompensating with the right leg trying not to step on my own shoe lace.   I could totally picture stepping on it and crashing down and banging my head on the treadmill display thing!   Then I had to take Landon to school and had to drive with my crazy leg hurting.  Thank goodness I was headed to pick up Brian, who had taken the other car for repairs, and we went straight to the office and he gave me an adjustment and put some BioFreeze on my low back and I laid on the rolling massage table for about 15 minutes.  Now it feels much better!

Brian and I talked this morning in the car about how "waiting is wasting".  That it is silly for us to say, "When I get some good running shoes then..." or "After the holidays then..." or "I'll make a goal in January to..."   Because, in the meantime, you could actually to be working a goal instead of just sitting and thinking about it!  Which is precisely what Natalie was talking about today!  Perfect timing.

"I love it when a plan comes together."
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